
Green Home Mechanical offers gas furnaces that possess a variety of features and capabilities, including advanced energy efficiency. These systems are designed to deliver reliable and affordable heat and can significantly lower utility bills.

Design and technologies have brought furnaces into the new age with efficiencies ranging from 90% to 98%, compared to 70% or less in the past. These high efficiency furnaces are comprised of two heat exchangers that allow the furnace to extract greater heat transfer.

Add two stage heating to the equation and you have a comfortable heating curve in your home. Upon the call for heat, the furnace will fire into its first stage of heating and if the call for heat extends past a set duration of time; the furnace will kick into full input - the second stage. Some furnace models even provide modulating input for greater comfort and money back into your pocket.

Add furnace fans with variable speed dc motors and you will enjoy consistent airflow and a significantly reduced electrical consumption.

Heat Pumps

A heat pump is a single system that operates as both an air conditioner and a heater. These all-season units provide comfort and efficiency through the entire year, keeping your home cool during the summer and warm during the winter.

Heat pumps are very beneficial in our climate when temperatures are above 3C . They can save up to 70% of energy cost versus an existing standard furnace and they do not produce any greenhouse gases. Paired with a high efficiency gas furnace for temperatures below 3C, you will have a winning combination.

High Velocity

Have Green Home Mechanical design and install your high velocity heating and cooling system. These systems can be retrofitted into older homes with hot water or electric heat besides the standard application into new home construction. Since the air flow is distributed at greater velocities than conventional forced air systems; the ductwork and 2" & 3" flexible vent supplies prevent architectural disruption and reduce drops commonly found in most homes.


For homes with radiant, baseboard, or in-floor heat, Green Home Mechanical can install a state of the art, high efficiency boiler that integrates with your home system to form an ideal central heating source.

These new modulating boilers will provide a steady level of heating through the network of pipes, decreasing the amount of your gas bill. An in-direct water tank can be installed to capitalize off the higher efficiency of your new boiler. It can be possible to save up to 40% on your heating costs and even more with the combination of an in-direct water tank.

Green Home Mechanical is Quality First certified and holds Hydronic tickets in design and installation through TECA.

Air Conditioning

Green Home Mechanical is one of the industry’s leading contractors for central air conditioning. By offering high efficiency equipment that enables your system to run at lower power levels, central air can effectively cool a home while also minimizing energy costs and noise levels. Air conditioning systems can be added to your existing forced air heating system or provided as a complete package. Such systems can be installed into your attic space.

Ductless Splits

This system is becoming a popular alternative to window units and can be used for both heating and cooling! These units are very quiet and highly efficient. The ductless system uses a discrete wall or ceiling mounted air-handler unit connected through the wall to a slim outdoor condensing unit, allowing a surplus of cool or heated air to circulate the room. Ductless splits are the best solution to a home that does not have a forced air heating system.